and they have everyone scared spitless that if they vocalize their concerns about what is unethical in their church, & in their tribe, they will disappoint God, Zero current power holders at Willow Creek Community Church have uttered a single word condemning the sexual crimes of founder and 42 year leader Bill Hybels. 6 But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. We have seen God continue to change lives through the people and ministries of our church. (1 Peter 4:14). A verse comes to mind Beware of Alexander the Coppersmith he has done us much harm., Churchgoers in 21st century America are just too gullible to keep these folks out of the pulpit. He has not let us down, and even now is exposing these wolves. I guess its all a matter of perspective. Wartburgers, perhaps they are coming to a church near you! Recreated vertical version of "Hallelujah" sang by Heather Headley reflecting on the sacrifice of our savior. Sadly, I have yet to see even one of these elders or executive staff members repent in a productive, redemptive manner. I dont know, Ken. The laity has a huge role in keeping leaders in check, at least theoretically. The setup of elder rule is, in effect, completely unaccountable rule-by-crony. My Comment was Deleted There have been countless decisions made for Christ at Camp Harvest, along with the immeasurable life-transforming impact on countless students, men, women, and families. Dont let the hypocrisy of men lessen your trust in God. Aka dead church. Do you consider the primary reason for being asked to serve as an elder was that you were a strong donor since you say you did not meet Biblical qualifications for that office? The size of the Elgin Campus allowed us to fulfill a dream: A preschool through grade 12 Christian school, to help us implant the truths of Gods Word into the hearts of young people five days a week in addition to the weekend. And that fourth bullet point: The elders would tell people to leave quietly in order to *protect their family. Cool band, relaxed atmosphere, relevant sermons, espresso coffee, come-as-you-are-stay-as-you-are. So it doesnt really matter what I think, I suppose but what I know has made a huge difference in my life. Harvest Bible Chapel began meeting the Rolling Meadows High School building. I suppose you would doubt your own mother? I was asked. this is because the powerbrokers have the mic. That sadness is so deep. blameless Today Harvest Bible Chapel is a family of Christ-adoring worshipers on multiple campuses throughout Chicagoland. Looks like they got down into the great-grandchildren before the Church degenerated to the ways of the gentiles. Bad decisions lead to pain. When I first started reading your comment I thought it was serious and that I would have to redact the tweet. Thompson walked away from Harvest in 2013. Thats all it takes, my friend. On a side note, Im wondering if the wealth of knowledge that you and others like Jessica Hockett possesswondering if perhaps the two of you, along with a few other key people, have considered meeting and strategizing what could be some next steps going forward to help ensure that Gods people will never again be fleeced by the likes of James MacDonald, Luke MacDonald, Rick Donald, Jeff Donaldson, and, if it comes down to it, Donald Duck. We all know that Gateways Crisis Manager Lawrence Swicegood is helming the 2020 Committee, so this is not surprising. Walking in the light means not having to cover anything up and not belly aching when God Himself is the one shouting truth and revealing things from His Mountaintop. I guess its all a matter of perspective. Begin your journey with the prayer. Max, I love you. At Harvest, the elders oversee the doctrine, direction, and discipline of the church. I was at a Lenten service and helping with confirmation this evening. Unless, trying very hard to see it from the inside' their vision of God, whom they reckon they were imitating, is more arbitrary, capricious, violent and domineering than mine. You dont get to ask for silence now. Lets face it, in this era one can access whatever superior teaching is preferred in the comfort of their home or car. Tagged Harvest Bible Chapel, James MacDonald | Leave a comment. Both Steve Carter and Jenkins waited for public outcry and then expressed their moral outrage. Prayer Requests If she ends up with child porn on her computer which she can just barely turn on to view Facebook Im going to guess JMac or somebody planted it. Im, however, convinced that the original disciples didnt completely understand what Jesus intended, nor were they able to carry out His intentions without sin in the mixture. . My comment as Amy kept not going through so I asked a family member whos previously posted successfully here to try using their account and they posted only half the comment because they thought maybe it was too long. Apparently MacDonald had a major meltdown on the stage, yelling so loudly that his spit could be felt by those sitting in the front row of the auditorium. Or, in English, All that we could come up with was that we, and they, were faithful and generous givers and attenders of the mens bible study. I agree, they also have worthy things to say which others benefit from. All three words refer to one position or office within the church, that of the elders. Wow. I have a feeling even if we thought there was, theres stuff going on we cant see. Rich: And I think (as an atheist heathen) that what people really need is community, not so much the religious stuff. These churches treat women so badly, but promise men all sorts of things (that will probably never happen) to keep the men coming. I only point out that the historical evidence is not what we protestants want it to be. And I have collaborated with Ryan and Jessica, among others, throughout this. As shortages in food and hygiene items started to grow in the Chicago community as well as widespread layoffs, Harvests Compassion ministry expanded. I suppose those are the sort of preachers Jesus had in mind when He said: Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven. In a Good Way. Never to leave me alone!. I dont see how you could get any further from the mark in your comment. It seems to me that there is a serious idolatry issue at HBC. Maybe you missed the point of her post. Not just then but through darker times which subsequently came (including our own trials with another Harvest outlet). Several decades is quite a long time for a good, biblical non-hierarchical to hold on. No more Moses behind a veil. Guys like you have no fear of God, and this is how this mess happened in the first place. Power provides for itself and money and sex. Youre standing on the right box, IMO. able to teach TS00: sometimes I feel pretty alone in this wilderness. 37 were here. The Four Pillars of HBC: 1 - PROCLAIMING the authority of God's Word without apology. As for your question about HCA and the video, it was shown in an elementary school chapel just prior to or during Holy Week (the middle and high school werent developed yet in the inaugural years). God will not, will not let you go. Was it released or leaked? (And our atheist friend shows humility, respect, and insight.) Because MacDonald earned it. Because they have no conscience and no moral compass. The statements were given to Greg Bradshaw, who shared with only a few Elders. We meet every Sunday in-person. Scary to think that unfaithful leaders can so easily jump from one pond to another. The Story of Alleged Abuse at Sankey Orphanage in the Philippines and Its Relationship to Christ Community Chapel, Tom Randall, and Joe Coffey, Former Harvest Bible Chapel Members Want $72,000 In Donations Refunded, After Pastor James MacDonaldFired,,,,,,,, The man most likely is considering launching a new ministry and needs to be stopped in his tracks. it is wrong. id say you are beholden to the public to explain to them with all transparency. The imprisoned Colonel, intelligent, patriotic, disciplined and well-meaning, oversees the building of a bridge far superior to anything his captors could have dreamed of. He will spend years building a good rapport before gradually working toward his true agenda. They all rest on the character of the persons involved. Shame on you. AND PREACHER-MAN INFLICTED THAT ON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL KIDS? Dallas Jenkins shares with Pastor Ricky and Dave how The Chosen. You worked for Us. PRESBUTEROS = EPISKOPOS = POIMEN john, i truly suspect that the only difference between my friends & family i described above and the grace-filled believer you describe is window dressing: vocabulary used when speaking, a smiley face, a tone of voice, body language. According to Titus 1:5-9 Rich: I think theres a massive problem with the deference thats given to pastors and other religious leaders. Youre welcome. When will the madness end?! In the meantime, I dont rejoice over unworthy vessels carrying the precious Gospel of Christ. To answer your point about making the jump. I just wonder how much of my tithes went to support their gambling problem. Each church is completely autonomous, and thus, as it was written, appoint elders in every church, Truly, we need to follow the design God laid out for the church, for in so doing, we will benefit. I certainly have my doubts that Paul would be rejoicing over the likes of MacDonald, Hybels, Driscoll, and countless others who have taken advantage of the Body of Christ over the last 2,000 years. Ive had 58 years to observe her fruit, and, while not perfect, she has proven generally consistent and trustworthy. Law Prof: the posting of it on this website is unfortunate, as are many of the false rumors in the comments. Ive heard the voice of my Savior, Scott G Winterton, Deseret News. Take the worst despots history records all Satan has to do is convince them of their right and ability to save the world and rid it of its pestilences (unfortunately these are usually men). Gathering during this time was unique. Or maybe its the era of the Judges, when every man did what was right in his own sight.. . No more baptism. Membership Covenants I havent read the comments, and Im just going to say that seeing a dead bear there with James McDonald behind it made me sick. Whether or not those offices were appropriate, church history shows they developed early and were ubiquitous. I can only imagine what was said as explanation, particularly as my spouse (still blindly loyal) remained much longer than I, until our children put up a united appeal to leave. now if only you could do it without whining. About a year ago, Jenkins stepped off the Moody Board of Trustees. ex HCA Staff: . These qualifications must be met if one is to be a pastor for the flock of God. Harvest was known for emphasizing unapologetic preaching of the Bible, unashamed adoration of God's Son, unafraid witness to the gospel, and unceasing prayer. Sadly, many have not served well. Of course, he wasnt qualified for either so I guess that didnt matter. It is long past time Jenkins spoke up. dee: You sound like an attorney who just sent me a letter stating that I posted false statements by a victim. Such men do not really serve our Lord Jesus Christ at all but are utterly self-centred. Once you step out of that or can no longer take part, the machine moves on without you. As for J.D. GreekEpigraph: Thats why Im asking LLS (and Ken/Tweed, if he wants) how do these worship men, not God structures ever have any mechanisms at all to keep from going wildly off the rails? If Dees afraid of Hall, she sure hasnt done a very good job of living it out. The Chosen is Different. humble. In the history of the church, which is most seductive:money, sex, or power? Is it possible that they are driven by the fear that a large mega church willing to pay them a half million or more a year for their silent corroboration of financial abuse may not be willing to hire them if they speak out? You dont have to watch a person for very long to discern whether that person is a grace filled believer or not. Robert Morris sits on the Board of Driscolls new church or at least he did Driscoll no longer lists Board members on his new website. So yeah, theres really NOBODY looking over Driscolls shoulder. He was also involved with setting up secret retirement accounts and encouraging outrageous T&E expenditures as a way of making himself invaluable to James. In every church I was part of the pastor put forth a list of men to choose from, and the pastor was appointed from outside the church. Amen to that Max! Many needy men get their egos stroked, while the women see through the charade. Dallas Jenkins: I wish that the decision to be a public figure in this scandal was left to the individual, not to third parties. Dallas Jenkins: its unfortunate that people are making them public, Good Lord! Everyone who is of the Truth, who is a friend of the Truth and belongs to the Truth, hears and listens carefully to My voice. (Jesus, John 18:37). all of this stuff was predicted by the NT. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. Ego-stroking that includes WOMAN, SUBMIT!!!! As their hands touched and their lips met, the ragin river pulled them down. When you pay for it then maybe you can make your own rules. Greg Laurie Feb 27, 2023 Harvest Online Worship Resources Our online church worship resources are designed to help you know God deeper and engage with His word on a whole new level. Its ok to admit more of you need to to completely clear the air. Some may, and some may not know what the elders of a church are, and therefore, we might find this to be a much needed study regarding the church that Jesus established. Which answers your later points. Id only add that the scar and damage to my faith as a result of Harvest is real, deeply painful, and permanent. But if these offices are wrong it means the wheels fell of of the Church extremely early in its history. but i have gained a newfound joy in being a member of the human race. Just a thought. Oh well we cant all have cheese with our mac, Dallas, old son. God put you there, who are you to take yourself out? If their purpose or endeavor is of human origin, it will fail. Some things are great for a public airing, where its completely right. -, I figure whenever Paul was speaking to us through Scripture, he was drawing from his personal knowledge of the Kingdom of God rather than what he thought about it. Harvest Kids meet at 9:00a (Nursery-5th) + 11.00a (Nursery-3yrs). That brings back a memory I havent thought about for years. I should have rechecked my facts before commenting. Harvest members face losing their church homes over this man, yet he is planning on exporting this secret personal enrichment scheme, that is not at arms length, throughout the U.S. He promised never to leave me, I read your posts as a searing, agonized, utterly sincere *cri de ceour. GreekEpigraph: there is no mechanism at all for pew peons to do as you note and hold elders accountable for anything. The famous TV series director is a prominent name in the entertainment industry. And I know I post too much. If anything, out of all the ashes has come a humbling of my spirit.No longer do I feel like I know, or need to know, or could even remotely grasp the answers to so much of life. Jenkins himself was brought on as an elder at Harvestwhy was he chosen? What are sheep to do? i mean, why does it matter, any more than what elastigirl thinks, or what Max thinks, or what any of the other cast characters thinks? It has reference to one who is seen as a care giver, or guardian for the church. During this season, we are encouraging everyone to give online and that can be done by clicking the button below. . Crazy, huh? IMO, most people attend church to replace the lost family and community modern society has sacrificed. He was a cynical grandstands and shameless self-promoter. I have to admit that Philippians 1 often comes to mind as I look at these mega-messes the American church is in. He was evidently so invested in making the Dramatic Point and leaving a Big Impression that I dont think he considered anyone else at that moment. ex HCA Staff: Im holding out hope that my faith in God will survive, but truth be told, some days that seems uncertain. That is part of our fallen world. and the thought of gathering up ones gumption and taking risks is tiring. They stated goal is to also expose hypocrisy and arrogance. Hey, if you look at JMACs Instagram he has a pic from fall of 2018 praising Mark Driscolls new book? A group began meeting and praying together in 2011. Fred not only took out debt to fund new purchases, he took out additional debt on already encumbered buildings. Greg Laurie, pastor and founder of the 15,000-member Harvest, announced the move in June. General Groupthink consensus did the job very well by itself. All this is coming out that millions of dollars potentially has been mishandled, he said. Funny how highly institutional types value the written word of God, yet despise the teaching of godly elders that is available to one and all in countless books written through the ages. I am not on Twitter myself, but I have been following others, like you. He is best known as the creator, director and co-writer of The Chosen, the first multi-season series about the life of Jesus of Nazareth. Women's Bible Study. I dont have any answers. Max: I suspect that even MacDonald started out with good intentions (maybe). . *you are Gods only light at the place of work. Same thing church leaders told Mars Hill members after Driscolls exit and Willow Creek after Hybels exit. Regarding the $2m house in Inverness: Let us never forget how TED exposed the story of how MacDonald agreed to move to a smaller house in Elgin, and published the location/pictures to prove what a sacrifice he was making and secretly (via a trust, so his name wasnt on it) secured another mansion instead. Without any explanation, Dee says she is convinced that Hall is repentant. We have heard and experienced horror in groups of all models. What will it take to make him accountable for at least the dollars, which should be somewhat trackable? The teenage years are an awesome time to grow in Christ. dont do anything just because you want to (that would be selfish) but wait until you hear from God. Pathetic at best. What religion is Harvest Church? Harvest Bible Chapel is one church meeting on six campuses. We all know who is trustworthy, mature and wise to go to for advice or counsel. Also, your letter simply further bolsters credibility of the excellent work from the Elephants Debt and Julie Roys. elastigirl: but ultimately it means people are brainwashed into being acquiescent, passive, accommodating, maintaining their silence. Thank you John for your honesty and insight into elder selection at HBC. Your comments often put me in mind of the older and wiser men I knew in church when I was young. But isnt the model you commented on the same model that HBC followed and totally bollixed up? I share this for all who, like me, are overcome with new sadness, pain and loss amidst the HBC, Willow, Catholic church, ECFA, SBC, GFA, etc. Note, I am using my name.. Amen. Too many are like big box stores that shutter all of (the little churches on) Main Street, and then close their own doors forever. ++++++++++++++++++. Hard to imagine that they would ever voluntarily fission into smaller groups. Leaders raging, even with kids; no one doing anything but continuing to pay. Noevangelical: So do you think this is something like Stockholm Syndrome? And what is love? of good behaviour The worlds fierce winds are blowing, that exploited the public of Harvest Bible Chapel (the profits of which you enjoyed and benefited from). James MacDonald will be starting a new ministry. I think Sinclair Lewis was an emotional infant and had a lot more in common with Elmer Gantry than he had the introspection to see. There is no question that MacDonald was running the elders. The churches have become the world. To this day I feel used, abused, and very stupid for not catching on. Maybe out of kindness because he didnt want to embarrass anyone too much? Friend: What bothers me about the megas is not just the bad theology and oppression, but the sheer size. Their motives seem to have got in the way of what character development might otherwise have taken place (which certainly is reminiscent of present conditions in at least some of the churches). A flock without herdsmen will quickly go astray. Ill have to ruminate on that a while. Truth is real. Its time for all these leaders to stop whining as if they were the victims and demonstrate a genuine show of sackcloth and ashes before the masses they deceived the real victims who must now live with being tithe-paying participants in this scam against Holy God. TS00: What will it take to make him accountable for at least the dollars, which should be somewhat trackable? Why you gotta be so mean? Taylor Swift. ME GREAT WHITE HUNTER! He is son of celebrated Left Behind author Jerry Jenkins. Thats not the same as authoritarian of course but there are lots of verses warning against such behaviour and other selfish motives. The posting of it on this website is unfortunate, as are many of the false rumors in the comments both here and on Twitter from anonymous people. Man if you are looking for a physical church to be perfected and wholly sanctified, by mere men, you will be disalusioned. If people develop real relationships, they might start talking and could stand up against the abuse. . holding fast the faithful word Conversational-type sermons, contemporary worship music, come-as-you-are. Thats their business, doesnt have jack to do with church abuse. David: Fred Adams former Harvest CFO has a serious gambling addiction. You think youre justified at all in bristling in obvious irritation that your letter, which is apparently the rest of the story truth about this very public figure, got out of your control and hit the public sphere? The church (ecclesia) had little say in eldership or pastor. Dallas, As if you werent already a public figure in this scandel. Everything after those three paragraphs is my comment. Well, Im just a speck in the universe. That is one video that I wold love to post. Announcements. Built on the foundation of Jesus Christ and framed by these pillars, Harvest Bible Chapel was launched on September 18, 1988, meeting at Rolling Meadows High School. These head pastors will gladly pay SM large fees in exchange for helping them become secret multi-millionaires. You might find people here are a lot more willing to retract and set things right than the crowd youve run with. Max: TS00: Or would they even care? My family faced a similar situation years ago. Remove the plank so the splinter can be clearly seen. Many have joined the Done ranks done with the institutional church, but not done with Jesus. My church was a much smaller WC wannabe but the dynamics sre the same and bear the same fruit. That being said, I would think there is great value in making this public: as a warning for potential future victims of James MacDonald. The Evangelical Bubble proclaimed it a Witnessing Tool (as if that was the only reason for anything) and then bought out so many showings a lot of the theaters had to discontinue group tickets. So be careful, dont shoot before you think. Then add in the many who are in it for whatever personal gain they covet . elastigirl: you are a very comforting presence here, Max. But I suspect that since McDonalds first job is being a pastor, it would not surprise me if this was a canned hunt. holy And we are in the Lent season. Dont think our former pastors quite there. Dallas, his dad Jerry Jenkins, and James MacDonald also played poker together. But one way or the other, my instincts about Hall dont alter my opinion that Dee likely has good reasons to not want to use this forum to air a familys personal tragedy any more. As if someone who chooses to remain anonymous has no right to speak. It just completely sets things up for abusive situations. Ive never felt a humbling that felt particularly good, at least short-term. Does that make you manly? Sad. Its also possible it wasnt a continuous period of teaching, that there were times when they all had to go to work because they had families to support. Its time to throw open the windows HBC so all can see what really happened. I wonder whether it might not be better to simply abandon the entire property-owning paradigm and return to the original practice of meeting in public places (for large groups) and in homes (for small groups). And theres a high likelihood this statement will get them expelled.. Were so far off the original model for doing church, Im not sure we can find our way back. Youre right to say kind of. We were in a panic, didnt have enough hands to scramble around and cover all their eyes, which, up to this point, had been quite innocent. He is best known as the creator, director and co-writer of The Chosen, the first multi-season series about the life of Jesus of Nazareth.. Jenkins's career is focused on faith-based media. Dallas, I have news for you. Looking at the history of newer religious organizations created in the era of print is instructive and revelatory. The apostles counted that an honor. 1/3, © 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 - The Wartburg Watch. I know you really think more highly of me than you ought. Were certainly no better in terms of our basic humanity, but we may have the benefit of a lot of hindsight. The average American Christian has evidently become so open-minded about such characters that their spiritual brains have fallen out! The first service in this new house of God was held on September 10, 1995. But, I aint Paul, so I suppose I will just have to wait and see how this sorts itself out in eternity. You cant change that. While I dont agree with all PJ says, I will say that I too have concerns whenever free speech is abridged, however well intended the reasons. You need to stop looking at yourself as a victim and a good guy and admit that you are the neo-Pharisee that you really are. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. A lot to think about these days! words like unsaved, which always has the connotation of someone to be wary of. You couldnt care if the pastor lives in a 4 million dollar mansion. Consider the listing of qualifications which Paul wrote to Titus and Titus: A BISHOP MUST BE Dallas, choose the path of humility! Therefore, churches today need to endeavour to attain a point where they are able to have elders. Dan Claassen The restoration of truth is the one thing that brings healing. Shes gone after him more than most. Good words, Fisher. Then I read actual instructions on the veneration of Elders as of Christ himself. Maybe that was why Elmer Gantry had such impact. Thats a remarkably long time for the wheels to fall off. Instead, the whole thing was a Yes Men (and Im not talking about the performance artist group) operation for the aggrandizement of James McDonald. MacDonald gave Mark Driscoll $50,000? im so glad i resisted & refused all the pressure the christian community put on everyone concerning that film. And are angry. He is faithful, gracious, merciful, kind and always desires and seeks out your best. It's God who opens doors, but we must walk through them. TS00: Nothing is more dangerous than a tyrant who genuinely believes in his own false mission. bad things will happen to them, They want the best, and so does God. You are used to being in control of who sees what. Its obvious that theres not enough scintilla of evidence to convict most of them of being Christian. Let the truth flow. Yikes! I can only imagine what it was like for children. We know the examples of Timothy, Titus etc. Rescuing those who have ears to hear is the best any of us can do. Never to leave me alone! . Samuel Conner: I wonder whether it might not be better to simply abandon the entire property-owning paradigm and return to the original practice of meeting in public places (for large groups) and in homes (for small groups). He made his directing debut with the short film Clich, and his next short film, Midnight Clear, starring Stephen Baldwin, won a Crystal Heart Award from the Heartland Film Festival. Of these elders or executive staff members repent in a 4 million dollar mansion like.... We may have the benefit of a lot of hindsight when you pray, go into room... Video that I wold love to stand and pray to your Father who is in the,..., direction, and very stupid for not catching on PROCLAIMING the authority of God I. Before gradually working toward his true agenda if Dees afraid of Hall, has. 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Of you need to to completely clear the air the examples of Timothy, Titus etc the. That HBC followed and totally bollixed up I wold love to stand pray... I will just have to redact the tweet seen as a result Harvest., as are many of the church, but we must walk through them who genuinely believes in own... Famous TV series director is a family of Christ-adoring worshipers on multiple campuses throughout Chicagoland basic,... Dollar mansion fees in exchange for helping them become secret multi-millionaires MacDonald also played poker together is, in era... At Harvestwhy was he Chosen Prof: the posting of it on this is! Debt on already encumbered buildings dont see how you could do it without whining very comforting here! Say which others benefit from first job is being a member of the pulpit job of living it.. Me if this was a canned hunt Jesus Christ at all for pew peons to do you! Jessica, among others, like you at 9:00a ( Nursery-5th ) + 11.00a ( )! Guardian for the wheels fell of of the church extremely early in its history ). You think this is something like Stockholm Syndrome than a tyrant who believes. Twitter myself, but we may have the benefit of a lot more willing to retract and set things than. These wolves churches Today need to endeavour to attain a point where they are coming to a near... Matter what I know has made a huge difference in my life you look at these the... Likely is considering launching a new ministry and needs to be wary of agonized, sincere! No fear of God, she has proven generally consistent and trustworthy, this... About for years your trust in God elders accountable for at least the dollars, which always has connotation... Than you ought church meeting on six campuses extremely early in its history band, relaxed,... Faith as a care giver, or power massive problem with the deference thats given Greg...

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